Our Employee Value Proposition

We believe we have something truly unique to help our team of Roamers on a journey to unleash their potential.

  • Our Profit Reinvestment model.

    We have developed what we believe is a unique and key differentiator between us and other companies out there. Our Profit Reinvestment model is designed to go the extra mile, rewarding our team for their efforts, putting some money aside for a rainy day, and investing in our collective future.

  • Why share this information? Shouldn’t it be a corporate secret?”

  • We believe in transparency, honesty and integrity. If we build an organisation that is founded on trust and transparency, we are building a future on strong foundations. We also believe that there is a real opportunity to disrupt up what it means to be an employee, and create better outcomes for workers across the globe. It’s time to break down the consolidation of profits to the few, when the many are missing out. Equality is what we stand for, and we say “Power to the people!”

  • We also believe to be a sustainable organisation we need to focus on the (Reduce) aspect of (Reduce, Re-use, Recycle) and believe in efficiency and elimination of waste. The organisation is focused on operating as efficiently as absolutely possible, to keep us sane, reduce waste and maximise our profits. If something isn’t required and doesn’t add value, we don’t do it. If it can be automated, automate it, and so on.

  • By eliminating waste we are not only being more sustainable by using less, reducing wasted time, and consuming less, we are also maximising our profits and delivering on another mission objective “Creating financial freedom for our people”.

  • So how do we do it?

    Keep reading below to see how!

Profit Reinvestment Model:

  • Our mission is to share as much of our profit with our people as we possibly can. It’s time to break the model of you working hard to make someone else wealthy, whilst you are only “fairly compensated” with a standard wage. We understand our people are our most valuable asset and are what makes our organisation great. This is why we will continue to invest as much of our profits as we can to our people.

    It is also our goal to enable our team to have financial freedom and one day be in a position where they no longer need or have to work, but choose to, because they love what they do. We believe that through financial freedom and security, our team of Roamers will have more freedom to embrace their creative mindset and continue to revolutionise industry.

  • Improves our ability to retain our team, even when the chips are down. We believe in setting aside a little bit of money each and every day for the future to ensure we can keep everyone looked after. We believe in providing as much job security as possible through forward planning and risk management, and we all deserve to be treated respectfully and fairly, so we can focus on creativity and inventiveness, and not worrying about job security.

  • Funds set aside to invest into other revenue generating assets that can generate capital asset growth for the organisation and positive income, which is again distributed to the team via the Team Reward program.

    During the early years of the company, this fund may be redirected back into R&D to accelerate our growth potential.

  • Investment in future proofing the organisation and developing software/products based solutions. We will reward our team’s inventiveness and innovation by distributing the dividends of our R&D products back to the team through the Team Rewards program

    - Innovations that our people generate will be eligible to receive 10% of the profits from that innovation if it is developed through to a commercialised product. The innovator should reap the reward of their creative mindset. The balance of the profits will be directed to the Team Rewards pool for distribution across the entire organisation. The more we make, the more we all benefit.

  • True to our R&D rewards program, a 10% profit allocation goes to the founder, as the generator of the first successful initiative, This Company!